Management Policy

The strategic objective defined by the directors of SAVENER PROYECTOS SA is to implement and maintain a management system with a «process-based approach» that ensures that it works effectively towards its goals.

This is the reason why the directors of SAVENER PROYECTOS SA assert this “Management Policy” document as the framework for establishing their “management goals”, including the following commitments:

  1. Meeting all requirements (including those related with the service provided, workplace health and safety and the environment), whether:
    • Established by the clients
    • Legal and regulatory standards
    • Any other requirement accepted by the organization
  2. Protection of the environment, prevention of pollution, sustainable use of resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, protection of biodiversity and ecosystems,
  3. Continuous improvements in the effectiveness and efficiency of the management system,
  4. Provide safe working conditions,
  5. Eliminate hazards and reduce health and safety risks,
  6. Consultation and participation of the workers.

The organization will include the setting up, full documentation, implementation and maintenance of a Management System that is compliant with ISO standards 9001, 14001 and 45001 as part of this commitment, with all the processes, documents and records that these standards require.

This management system will apply to all the activities carried out by the organization:


This “Management Policy” must be regularly reviewed and updated whenever appropriate to ensure that it is always suited to the activities that the organization carries out, especially with regard to the type of activity, the scale of the potential environmental impact and any health and safety risks for the personnel involved.

To comply with its mission, this “Management Policy” will be made public for any interested parties and all persons working for the organization must be familiar with it, including any sub-contractors, so that they are aware of their obligations in terms of quality, the environment and workplace health and safety.

Signed by: D. Aurelio Pérez Martín
CEO & Managing Director
In Seville, 15 October 2018