Savener is making progress in the construction of the heart of the District Heating as an improvement in the energy efficiency of the aforementioned hospital. A central boiler plant for the production of hot water and steam, which will be distributed to different buildings of the hospital complex.
The new thermal generation system consists of a hot water system for heating and DHW for the hospital buildings (General Hospital, Rehabilitation and Traumatology Hospital, Women’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital) supported by 3 boilers of 5 MW each and, on the other hand, a steam production system for the laundry and sterilisation with 3 boilers of 2,500 kg/h of steam.
In addition to this main room, which is the “heart” of the District Heating, work will be carried out in the transfer areas in the basements of the various buildings.
For the design of this project, the latest technologies for three-dimensional scanning have been applied, obtaining point clouds that allow all the existing elements to be located with millimetric precision. This reduces the margin of error in the construction phase, saving unexpected inconveniences and economic increases.
In this case, it is worth highlighting the difficulty involved in carrying out a project of this magnitude without stopping its activity at any time, even more so in the complex ecosystem that constitutes a hospital city.
The energy rating improvement project being carried out at the HUVR, developed by SAVENER and financed 80% by the ERDF and 20% by the SAS, has a total investment of 7.2 M€ and includes actions within the Energy Saving Measures (ESM).
With this project, Savener aims to achieve high levels of energy efficiency for its client, which will lead to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and in turn provide a high level of thermal comfort for both users and employees.